HEAVY BREWING - 2nd episode underway

The 2nd episode of Heavy Brewing, the craft beer show for those that are craft beer curious, is currently in production. This episode follows the creating and release of the Heretic Brewery's limited edition Triple IPA, Evil3. Brewed as a triple collaboration between 3 old brewing buddies, this is for sure going to be a fun episode. Check out a clip on the Heavy Brewing page to the left.

Episode Premiere on March 31st!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Heavy Brewing Premiere Screening on Tuesday, May 5, at 7pm

Come to the Sierra Nevada Torpedo Room on Tuesday, May 5, at 7pm to view the pilot episode for Heavy Brewing - the show I'm producing, directing, and hosting! Every episode focuses on a particular brewery and a special limited-edition concoction they make.

I'm honored to have Sierra Nevada be the focus of this pilot episode, with their Southern Hemisphere IPA... and I'm thrilled to have the premiere in their tasting room in Berkeley! Southern Hemisphere IPA is centered around New Zealand hops that are shipped and thrown into the kettle within a week of picking. In this premiere episode of Heavy Brewing, we follow this tasty brew from the kettle to the tap room... the very tap room where this will be screened!

Southern Hemisphere (as well as many other SV concoctions) will be on hand this evening, fresh from the brewery for its 2015 run. The Torpedo Room is a unique take on a pub, so the experience of being there will be reason enough to attend... as well as seeing me act like a dork as I revel in hoppy splendor. See you there!


VIEW THE TRAILER HERE:  https://vimeo.com/125873236

It Came from Aquarius Records...

Sunday, March 29th, 2015, was one of the more epic shooting days of all documentary shooting days in my lifetime. The Scourge was able to assemble all of the living owners, past and present, of Aquarius Records into one room. Reminiscing, shooting the shit, serious talk about the future or record stores, and no shortage of laughter. Thanks a lot of spending your Sunday afternoon with me folks - Looking forward to editing this at the end of the year!!

It Came from Aquarius Records...




After being told that Squarespace is "the bomb," I tried it out. And, sure enough, it's damn nuclear. So, The Scourge website is back, after a 4-year hiatus, with new films to present, new photography, as well as current and future projects about which to grab your attention. 

Still have the vimeo page (which you can find in the "fun stuff" link), which hosts pretty much everything The Scourge has touched. But this site is filtered and refined, presenting a more pure vision of The Scourge. Thanks for reading and watching.